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Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is the leading cause of Dry Eye Disease.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is a disruption of the meibomian glands reducing the secretion of oil into the eye’s tear film. This blockage causes the natural protective tear film to evaporate too quickly causing Dry Eye Disease (DED).

The clinical science behind MGD as the primary cause of DED and its treatment is supported by over 25 years of scientific research. Removal of the gland blockages is essential to improve gland function and reduce the progression of MGD. Over time after treatment, the meibomian glands may become blocked again because of continued evaporative stress, which is caused by infrequent blinking from modern lifestyles and leads to thickening of the gland secretions and blockage of oil production.

(MGD is also associated with an eyelid condition called blepharitis, for which our doctors recommend BlephEx treatments.)

Since MGD is the leading cause of Dry Eye Disease and is a blockage of the meibomian glands, a patient’s treatment plan should involve clearing this blockage.

For this, our doctors recommend LIPIFLOW® – the only FDA-cleared medical device for in-office MGD treatment, proven in clinical studies to restore gland function. 

The Meibomian Glands and LipiFlow

Lesser Causes of Dry Eye Disease:

Environmental – Weather, elements, altitude, etc.

Lifestyle Induced – Nutrition, reduced blinking due to long hours of computer work, etc.

Physical Conditions or Surgeries – Reduced tear production, aging process, hormonal fluctuations, thyroid related eye disorders, Sjögren’s Syndrome, laser eye surgery, etc.

At Eyes For Life in Spokane, WA, we specialize in Dry Eye Relief. To have your eyes evaluated for Dry Eye Disease and to discuss treatment options with one of our doctors, contact our office today! Online or by phone (509)448-7300.