Solar Eclipse Eye Safety: Be Prepared!
Are you ready for the total solar eclipse on August 21?
Are you ready for the total solar eclipse on August 21?
Have you ever wondered where that chart with the big E in every eye doctor’s office came from?
At Eyes For Life, we offer unique eyewear options for the active lifestyle you love to live. Eyewear Do you enjoy starting or ending your day in the outdoors? Exercise, sports or extreme outdoor activities require more out of your eyewear. Your day to day eyewear often does not meet the needs or demands of […]
The first eyeglasses are believed to have been invented between 1268 and 1289. Although there are some who would claim otherwise, glasses are widely accepted as originating in Italy. The inventor, however, is not known. These first spectacles were made of natural crystal, and were handheld due to their weight. Crystal lenses could not be […]
You have just invested your hard earned money on the perfect pair of eyeglasses. Here are some cleaning tips to help protect that investment and keep your lenses looking brand new as long as possible. Always rinse your lenses off before wiping or cleaning them. If you wipe your lenses dry, any dust or debris […]