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Our Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly staff who help make Eyes For Life the leading provider of vision care products and services in Spokane, WA.

Rachel Lay, Account Specialist

Starting at Eyes For Life in 2013 as one of the first technicians for the practice, Rachel loves working firsthand with our valued patients. Greeting each patient with a bright and cheerful smile, she makes them feel comfortable and welcome. Her caring demeanor along with her vast knowledge of eyes puts even the most anxious patients and fellow employees at ease. Rachel’s expertise also includes years of prior experience in optical, the ability to effectively run all operations of the office, as well as molding new technicians with her excellent mentorship.

In addition to her career, Rachel is a full-time mother and loves spending quality time with her children. Her passion for travel makes her a rich and well-rounded individual.

Ashley Dudycha, Lead Technician

CPO-certified, Ashley joined Eyes For Life in 2017 with administration sales experience. Quiet and calm at by nature, Ashley calms all those around her. She uses her passion for learning and her previous experience in interior design to make patients feel at home and look their best.

Artistic at heart, she continues to show her green thumb with her love for anything plant-related. Her favorite plants are orchids and she has 7 of them. Ashley loves reading, hanging out with family, and making pottery in her spare time. She has found a new interest in mushroom picking, foraging and plans to start working on a at home apothecary.

Ashley Farley, Optical Specialist

With an optical background of 2+ years, and customer service experience of 10 years; Ashley loves helping people find what truly matches their style and personality! She is always there for each and every patient and has been a wonderful addition to the Eyes For Life team.

When she is not dressing your eyes fab; she spends her time relaxing at home with her two black cats, going on new adventures with her husband, or designing new sewing projects for her online store.

Amanda Hansen, Lead Receptionist

Born in Spokane and moved to SLC Utah for nearly 20 years before finally moving back home in 2009 to take care of her grandfather. Amanda has spent most of her life serving others. She has spent the majority of her career as a Care Coordinator specializing in patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Amanda enjoys mentoring families and caregivers on how to provide loving compassionate care and communicate to their loved ones who struggle with this daily battle. She is Certified in the CARES program with the Alzheimer’s Association and loves to volunteer for The Walk to End Alzheimer’s. She is a mother of 2 beautiful teenage daughters that keep her on her toes and make her proud every single day.

In her spare time, Amanda enjoys spending time with her loved ones, laughing, cooking, photography, reading, nature and all things that sparkle. Amanda is excited to be a member of the Eyes For Life team working together to make patients feel welcome and well taken care of.

Sandra Cook, Lead Optical Specialist

ABO-certified and with 16+ years of experience, Sandra joined our team in January of 2022. With her vast array of knowledge and pride in her career, Sandra is sure to make your experience of choosing eyewear one of assurance and ease.

In her free time, she loves hiking, paddle boarding with her dog (Abigail), and spending time with her 2 grandchildren.

Vicki Witt, Receptionist

Victoria is excited to be a part of the Eyes For Life team and to be given the opportunity for a new adventure. Most of her skills come from being a volunteer within our community.

In her spare time, Victoria loves spending time with her husband, 3 kids, and 3 dogs. They enjoy going to sporting events, musical shows, and traveling. She is the first smile you will see upon entering our office!

Kayla Bonnett, Optical Specialist

Alaska born and raised, Kayla left her hometown in 2020 looking for new opportunities and experiences. She joined the Eyes For Life team in February of 2023 as a technician, but soon found her niche in optical helping patients find the perfect frame and custom lens technology for her patients.

Kayla spends her free time road tripping with friends, thrifting, and kayaking.

Alex Grundmeier, Technician

Born and raised in Kennewick, Washington, Alex made the move to Spokane in June of 2022. His background includes working in a nursing home as a med tech for 3 years. He joined the Eyes For Life team in February 2023. Working at Eyes For Life has sparked his interest in helping others to live their best lives by helping keep their eyes healthy and vision clear.

In his free time, Alex likes to create music with his friends, both playing instruments and writing music for others to play and listen to. He is also an animal lover, growing up around dogs and cats, and spending lots of time as a kid feeding ducks and geese in Columbia Park.

Courtnee Kallstrom, Office Manager

Courtnee has been with Eyes For Life since December of 2022 and quickly got promoted to Lead Technician. She is transitioning to an office manager position with us in October of 2023. Courtnee is an all-around fun-loving energetic person with a passion to serve her patients. She is very driven and takes pride in going above and beyond for all of her patients and co-workers making sure their needs are taken care of.

In her spare time, Courtnee enjoys hanging out with her friends and loved ones. When not working, she loves all things outdoorsy, cooking, traveling and she LOVES plants.

Diana Ramirez, Receptionist

Diana is starting out her medical career as a recent graduate from Eastern Washington University. With previous years of experience in customer service, with eagerness to learn and be a part of her community, she is a wonderful addition to the Eyes For Life team.

In her spare time, she enjoys discovering new places to eat and exploring Spokane. She also enjoys spending time with her loved ones as well as being outside when the sun is out.