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Comfort Dog Eases Fear of Eye Doctor

Children and adults often fear new and unknown experiences.


Dr. Maier and Mia


Going to the eye doctor for the first time, or even if they have been previously, can create anxiety and fear in some patients. Regular eye exams are very important to preserving eye health and vision, as well as correcting or treating any issues as soon as possible. However, some patients put off seeing an eye doctor due to their fears surrounding the exam.

At Eyes For Life, we have provided help for concerned patients. Mia, our office comfort companion, offers dog therapy to patients who wish to have a companion during their eye exam. We want every patient to feel comfortable and well-cared for, and having Mia is one way we offer our patients options for the care they wish to receive. Our comfort therapy dog is a small well-mannered breed and can stay chair-side, or curl up on one’s lap. Mia is also especially comforting to the elderly and Alzheimer’s patients. Sometimes parents of young patients need the comfort while going through a new experience with their child, and Mia is a great help at easing parental anxiety, too!

If you are scheduling an appointment and would like to have Mia for yourself or your loved one, please inform the Eyes For Life staff member when scheduling the appointment. We will do our best to accommodate last minute requests for her, as well.

*Our doctors are aware of keeping sterile environments where appropriate so as to ensure a healthy and safe exam. We also understand that not everyone wants to have an animal companion and some patients may be allergic. Please inform our staff if you have any concerns so we can make the necessary arrangements.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.