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LATISSE® Lashes: Longer, Fuller, Darker




**Unretouched and without mascara! Individual results may vary.

From mascara, to glue-on false lashes, to eyelash extensions, women everywhere continuously invest in products and services to create beautiful lashes. However, these eyelash enhancers often weaken, shorten and even cause loss of eyelash hair, resulting in shorter, thinner and sparse lashes over time.

Finally, YOU can have clinically proven LONGER, FULLER, DARKER lashes with LATISSE®, the only FDA approved lash growth treatment.

How does LATISSE® work?

Eyelashes have a growth cycle, much like the hair on our heads. Hair cycles through the active growth phase, the transition phase, during which lashes stop growing and the follicle shrinks, and the resting phase, in which the lash rests before falling out and being replaced with new growth. The phases have varying time frames, and the overall cycle can last anywhere from 6 to 21 weeks. Each individual lash is in its own growth cycle and generally takes between 4 and 8 weeks to fully regrow.

LATISSE® extends the growth phase of your lashes and multiplies the number of hairs that grow. This has clinically proven results:

106% Thicker and Fuller
25% Longer
18% Darker

Now that’s something to bat your lashes at!

How do I use LATISSE®?

LATISSE® is applied with a sterile applicator to your clean, makeup free upper lash lines (generally at night before bed). The product will apply itself to the lower lashes via blinking and should not be directly applied to the lower lash line. If you wear contacts, you will need to remove them prior to application and wait 15 minutes before reinserted your lenses, if needed.

Where can I purchase LATISSE®?

Because LATISSE® is a prescription product, you will need an Rx from your doctor. Eyes For Life in Spokane, WA offers evaluations specifically for LATISSE® candidates, and we would be more than happy to discuss if this product is right for you! Simply make an appointment with one of our exceptional eye doctors. Once you have an Rx, you can purchase the product directly from us at our competitive rate. 

When will I see results?

With proper and consistent use, LATISSE® clients see initial length increase by 4 weeks and full, luxurious enhancement by 16 weeks. Continued use of the product will ensure your gorgeous lashes stay long, lush and beautiful. If you stop using the product, your lashes will gradually return to their original state. Many clients see great results by 8 weeks, and are encouraged to continue product use throughout the full recommended 16 weeks.

To see real life, unretouched results, visit the Latisse® Real Women Gallery.

I still have questions. Where can I learn more?

To learn more about LATISSE®, including full product description, application instructions, qualifying factors and possible side-effects, please visit

Before and After images and clinical results courtesy of